Wednesday 19 February 2014

Frosty the kitten found frozen solid in a block of ice is rescued

A kitten found frozen inside a block of ice and stuck to the road has been saved and is expected to recover fully.
A driver who found a the tiny kitten frozen to the road in northeast Ohio says she thought at first it was a chunk of ice.
Shocked when the block of ice tried to move, Dara Taylor quickly realised it was a live animal and rescued the little grey cat.
The Elyria, Ohio resident told The Chronicle-Telegram that she found the cat on Monday and that he was so covered in ice she suspects he had been doused in water and left in the cold.
‘As I got out of the car, I could hear him meowing so loudly and pitifully and his little heart was beating so fast,’ she said.Frosty – as he has since been named – was unable to open his eyes because of the ice when Dara took him to the Friendship Animal Protective League.
The group’s chief financial officer, Shelley MacDonald, says the 5-month-old cat has warmed up and is being treated for a respiratory infection. Officials are hopeful he will fully recover.
The organization says it is already getting adoption requests for the kitten, which has been named Frosty.

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