Tuesday 18 February 2014

Mass killer Knight set to die in Vic jail

Victoria's worst mass murderer Julian Knight will remain in jail until he is dead or crippled, under a new law created just for him.
The Hoddle Street killer was eligible for parole in May after murdering seven people and injuring 19 others during a shooting rampage in Melbourne's inner north in 1987.
But the state government has stepped in to ensure there is no chance of Knight's release unless he is dead or physically unable to commit further crimes.
Premier Denis Napthine says the move will create certainty for victims' families and those traumatised by the massacre.
"This is guaranteeing that he remains in jail until he's dead or so seriously incapacitated, he's no risk to other people in Victoria or indeed in the community," he told reporters.
The legislation, which was introduced into the parliament on Tuesday, severely restricting the circumstances in which the Adult Parole Board can grant Knight parole.
Dr Napthine says the law will apply solely to Knight.
He says it is extremely unlikely Knight would have received parole under the current system, which has undergone tough reforms under his government, but he wanted to send a clear message.
Knight was a remorseless and difficult prisoner, who was declared a vexatious litigant, he said.
"He has a history of issues in prison which shows he has no respect for the health, safety and wellbeing of his fellow man."
Knight was sentenced to life in prison with a 27-year non-parole period.
He indiscriminately fired more than 100 rounds of ammunition from three guns at passing motorists and police who tried to catch him.
Over the years Knight has launched a series of legal claims to improve his jail situation and chances of parole, but as a vexatious litigant he must get court permission before launching the claims.
Last month, he was allegedly involved in a prison assault that left a prisoner in hospital with a broken jaw.
The victim spent at least eight days in hospital, according to a court judgment.
Peter Butts, who was among the first police officers to respond to the massacre, said there would be wide support for the new law.
He and two other officers had used their police vehicle to shield a woman who had been shot by Knight, while the killer remained at large.
"We had been with her for what had seemed like an eternity, it was probably maybe 20 minutes or so," Mr Butts told Fairfax Radio.
But it was only after Knight's arrest that emergency crews were allowed into the scene.
"She died a couple of days later from wounds. It was a bit like a shark attack is how I described it.
"It was fairly traumatic for everyone involved."

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