Friday 31 January 2014

Action McMan! Explorer conquers the world on diet of burgers and chips

The 31-year-old biked 18,000 miles, rowed 3,000 miles and climbed 29,000ft – but admitted he didn’t always eat as healthily as he could.
“My diet was atrocious!” said James. “I cycled the world on a diet of Subway, Taco Bell and McDonald’s”.
And he admitted the burger chain became a second home because “it’s cheap, easy to get to and has WiFi”.
James’s feat is more remarkable because he had recently recovered from breaking his legs and arms in a motorbike crash.
The chartered accountant said: “I always wanted to row the Atlantic and after the crash I thought to myself that I had two choices.
“I could either give up and feel sorry for myself or I could use the row as a motivational goal, something to aim for.”
After scaling Everest and rowing the Atlantic, James, known as Captain Ketch, crossed 20 different countries on his seven-month cycle ride.
After returning home to Basingstoke, Hants, he said: “I’m already planning another trip – to row across the Indian Ocean.
“I just want to inspire kids that with the right mindset you can do absolutely anything.”

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