Tuesday 21 January 2014

Examining Daniel Bryan's Connection with WWE Fans

Deniel Bryan has bonded with fans in a way reserved for only the biggest names in WWE history.
In his case, personality and talent intersects perfectly. Bryan is not blessed with intimidating size, a comic-book physique or the ability to mesmerize on the mic. His path to being the hottest star in WWE is instead lined with hard work and classic bouts, a monosyllabic catchphrase and a likability that speaks to the entire audience.
The difficult task of becoming a top pro wrestler requires a myriad of talents from athleticism to toughness, charisma to acting ability. Beyond those components, though, an elite WWE Superstar must make the fans care about what happens in the ring.
That's where Bryan is excelling like no one else right now.
In the most recent example of Bryan's unparalleled connection with fans, he celebrated atop a steel cage after defecting from The Wyatt Family on Jan 13. It was hard to find the right word to describe the audience's response as words like "thunderous" seemed to undersell the electricity of the moment.

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