Friday 31 January 2014

Coroner's fury as soldier kills himself after being abandoned by Army

Lee Bonsall, 24, was found hanged at his home in March 2012.
He was believed to have suffered from undiagnosed post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by the death of his best pal in Helmand Province.
His friend Private Andrew Cutts was killed in 2006 on duty. But Lee had to wait seven months for a psychiatric assessment after saying he felt low.
It took 11 months for his October 2006 request to be discharged to be granted.
Coroner Mark Layton said the Army waited “too long” to discharge him after their assessment that he was not suffering from PTSD.
He said: “I am writing to Defence Personnel Minister Anna Soubry to suggest the procedure for arranging psychiatric appointments is reviewed. I will also be asking the armed forces to review their practice for passing medical records to civilian surgeries and will ask UK Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt to highlight the waiting times for psychotherapy.”He recorded a narrative verdict into Lee’s death after ruling it was unclear whether he meant to kill himself.
Lee, from Tenby, south Wales, served with the 13 Air Assault Support Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps in Afghanistan. His section commander said he was “a good honest soldier, hard working and professional”.
After the hearing in Milford Haven, his widow Serena urged the Army and NHS to keep a closer eye on soldiers after they have left duty.
She said: “If this had been the case when Lee was in the Army then maybe he would still be here now.”

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