Monday 13 January 2014

Cannibal Ouandja Magloire eats man 'who killed wife' in Central African Republic

A MAN who calls himself Mad Dog and ate a man's flesh says he was seeking "revenge" against Muslims after they killed his pregnant wife and family.
Ouandja Magloire was part of a Christian mob who attacked a Muslim in the Central African Capital of Bangui.
The BBC reports that Magloire spotted his victim sitting on a minibus and decided to follow him. Eventually he had 20 young people with him forcing the bus driver to stop. The mob then dragged the man off the bus, beat and stabbed him before setting him on fire.
Footage shows Magloire eating the man's leg. He says it was revenge for a Muslim killing his pregnant wife, sister-in-law and her baby.
A number of people got footage of the attack but no one intervened to save the man.
"One of the individuals took hold of an arm and went and bought some bread and starting chewing on the flesh, along with his bread," eyewitness Jean-Sylvestre Tchya said. "The scene made many people vomit, and some cried out in horror."
Michel Djotodia, the first Muslim to rule the Christian-majority nation, stepped down as president on Friday as his Seleka rebels were accused of targeting Christian civilians, leading to the creation of self-defence groups known as anti-balaka.Those groups have in turn been accused of atrocities against members of the Muslim minority.  Looting erupted throughout the city after Mr Djotodia's resignation with crowds breaking down the doors of shops, many of them belonging to Muslims.
So far the violence has claimed around 1000 lives in the past month.
Another witness to the cannibalism, Alain Gbabobou, said he saw a man pick up the head and wrap it up carefully, saying he would "feast on it'' later.
"F***ing country!'' said a young Muslim man who gave his name only as Fathi, shaking his head in bewilderment as he gazed upon the body of a man whose face was crushed by rocks in an attack on a mosque.
"We believed Djotodia's resignation would be a peaceful solution for everyone,'' he said, adding his former Christian friends had sent him a text message, warning: "Now it's your turn. It's impossible to live with Muslims."
Acts of cannibalism are rare in the Central African Republic, where sectarianism is a recent development.Former colonial power France has sent military intervention and an African peacekeeping force has on hand to try and stem the violence.
Alexandre-Ferdinand Nguendet, speaker of the country's provisional parliament and interim president, vowed that the "anarchy'' that has gripped the country would be swiftly brought to an end.
And he issued a stern warning to warring militiamen from the mostly Muslim Seleka group and the anti-balaka Christian fighters set up to oppose them.
Speaking at a police headquarters in the capital Bangui, he said: "To the ex-Seleka, to the anti-balaka and the lovers of looting, I'm giving you a severe warning: The party is over.''
Mr Nguendet, whose parliament has been charged with finding a new transitional president within two weeks, declared: "The chaos is over, the pillaging is over, the revenge attacks are over.''
The return of soldiers and police to duty was another encouraging sign for the Central African Republic after weeks of horrific sectarian violence.
The United Nations' special representative to the country, Babacar Gaye, appealed to the population "to maintain calm and show maturity following the resignations."
The cannibalism reports are reminiscent of Jean Bedel Bokassa, who ruled the Central African Republic between 1966 and 1979, and was accused of eating human flesh, incorporating it in meals for visiting officials and feeding slain opponents to animals.

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